Friday, August 29, 2014

A little light friday picking

Didn't do a whole lot of buying today... mostly got some useful supplies for ourselves (cleaning supplies, clamps, boring etc) but we did find a few cool pieces to share!  We got the front and side signs from a vintage Sinclair gas pump, loads of old organizing drawers and crates, and a beautiful cast iron fireplace thingamagig. Happy Friday!  Hope to see you all this weekend!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Big pick Thursday!

We had a good couple picks this week. Lots of BIG! First, we picked up two beautiful Swiss scales, one tall one short.  They weighed a good 750 lbs.  With the help of a friend, we were able to get the tops removed from the bases and now have two gorgeous decorative pieces.  We also hit up a few other places and got some great industrial drawer units, really old Budweiser cooler, couple o lamps, sunoco gas pump transistor radio, a crate of various chicagoland milk bottles, a good handful of gas and oil related cans, nifty dental stool, 2 very old interstate signs (one Kentucky and one new jersey), and 6 beautiful revere green porcelain shade barn lights!  Couple of other random smalls too.  Very happy with our finds!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hello again, Indiana!

After taking a few weeks off from our Indiana picks, we got the itch and decided to head back out.  We found some great items this week! A super duper unique double sided civil air patrol sign from the palwaukee airport, a good group of old gas station numbers, miller cooler from the 1950s, some porcelain gas/barn lights, and a handful of other smalls.